AltAPI - Alternative Data Endpoints for All

AltAPI is an Open Source project which aims at aggregating variety of data points in one repository.
We cover a plethora of data: Social Sentiment Analysis, Earnings Call Summaries, Insider Trades and many more

Sentiment Analysis Score

You enter a company's name and we collect all the relevant news articles, blogs and other online published resources on that company. With the help of NLP we are able to calculate sentiment and provide you a consolidated score

PlayStore App Review Analysis

Analyse the reviews of any app on Google PlayStore. This endpoint uses textual emotional classification to differentiate between reviews that are negative and positive and also labels them with calculated positive and negative scores.

Financial Statement Summarisation

Uses GPT-3.5 to summarize the most recent financial statements of the stock entered. Input any US Stock Ticker Symbol and the desired statement - Balance Sheet, Income Statement, or Cash Flow. In seconds, get a summary overviewing the company's financial status and health.

Interested? Connect with us!

Feel free to contribute to the repository. Would love to see what new data can be added to it!If you want to connect with the repository owner (Sankalp Bhatia) you can contact him through the social links below 👇